About Company

Joint Stock Company Gazprom Space Systems is international satellite operator providing capacity in Russia and CIS, Europe, Middle East, Africa, South East Asia, Pacific Ocean.

Gazprom Space Systems has created, and now operates and develops Yamal satellite communication system and provides telecommunication and geo-information services.

Yamal satellite communication system includes:

  • orbital satellite constellation: Yamal-202, Yamal-300K (183°E), Yamal-402 (55°E), Yamal-401 (90°E), Yamal-601 (49°E) and ground control complex;

  • telecommunication center and networks in Russian regions.

  • satellite digital TV center that provides TV and radio broadcasting via Yamal satellites.

Among the customers of Gazprom Space Systems are governmental institutions, broadcasting companies, Russian and international commercial service providers.

Gazprom Space Systems is one of the two Russian national satellite operators and one of about 50 satellite operators in the world.

The company has a long-term development program, approved by the Board of Directors of Gazprom Space Systems. The program includes:

  1. advance of Yamal satellite communication system;
  2. development of aerospace monitoring system SMOTR;
  3. construction of the satellite AIT Facility.
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